Call for Work – Lightbox Photographic Gallery

Carbon Transfer artist and Monalog™ member Jim Fitzgerald will be a juror for “Altered Reality”, a show to be held at the Lightbox Photographic Gallery from September 12th through October 7th, 2020. The gallery is located in Astoria, OR.

“Within the Historical Process Photographic Community there is a spirit of positive reaction when facing uncertainty. Experimentation with new ideas and the perfection of old formulas are part of the photographic process. Have you been affected by the new world disorder? How do we know the Real from an Altered Reality? Your work inspires us. Please share your creative mind and processes.

Thank you Diana H. Bloomfield, Karen Hymer and Jim Fitzgerald for Jurying this years Historical Process Photographic Exhibit for Lightbox Photographic Gallery. Our panel of Jurors have all been affected by the events of 2020 and all excel with the experimentation and perfection of their process. Each is inspired by individual creativity as they are practicing artists in their own right, we are sure you may know of them all. Please share your thoughts, feelings, emotions, your work with them.

With this exhibit we wish to expose the viewers to work created with a variety of Historical photographic processes. Processes including Platinum/Palladium, Cyanotype, Vandyke, Daguerreotype, Saltprint, Wet Plate Collodion, Dryplate , Ambrotype, Kallitype, Calotype, Gum Bichromate, Carbon Transfer, Photogravure, Lith, Albumen prints are desired, to name a few. Darkroom Silver Gelatin and C-prints are considered alternative process for this exhibit. Original works done in an alternative process are required for the exhibit. No digital reproductions of original work will be exhibited. In “Altered Reality” we would like to see visionary contemporary use of Historical processes. We are looking to present the finest works, considering technique, originality and creativity, from photographers using Alternative Historical Processes.”

Deadline for submissions of work is August 10th 2020.

For more information visit